Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sydneysiders, how beautiful has this weather been? (And probably elsewhere too!)

I love autumn so much. The humidity finally disappears from the air (hooray!) and there's a lovely crispness to the sunshine. Today we went for a walk along our river and laid on the grass in the park for a while as E made "cakes" out of the various sticks, leaves etc that he'd found.

When we got home he wanted to do some painting. We sat outside. It was pretty sunny so check out the look...!!

Any time I feel a slight chill in the air, I get a little nervy though: it means winter is around the corner. And sometime this winter we will have a new baby.

Blimey, that's creeping up!

1 comment:

Mary said...

It's been exceptional here in the mountains too.

Until the winds came and blew off some of the best autumn coloured leaves we'd seen from the trees.