I really think I look pregnant.
They say the second time your bump is bigger and I fit into that category. For sure. I'm only 22 weeks but it feels a bit like 32 (well, not that bad, but bigger regardless).
Thinking about it, I figured I needed to post a picture to explain, so you can see why I was so stunned that folk didn't notice the tummy.
Or - worse - what the hell did they think I've been eating?!!!
Check it out (sorry, dodgy pic snapped before racing out the door to work this morning):
That is definitely a baby bump.
My ex-BIL who was grossly obese himself had the nerve to comment that he'd thought I was looking a bit heavier just before we had belatedly announced to the family at large that I was 16 weeks pregnant (a few years ago). Hey dude, don't comment on my weight and I won't comment on yours, deal?
Yep, definitely a baby in there.
Mind you people do get nervous about assuming. A friend of mine is 20-something weeks and another mutual friend double-checked with me to be sure she was preggers before she said anything. Just.in.case.
Your bump looks beautiful!!
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