The lovely M at
EasternMax put together a list of books she read in 2008. I thought I would shamelessly pinch her idea. But now that I have sat down to write, I realise that many of the books I read were from the library and therefore I may have a bit of trouble remembering their names...
Here goes:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I see on this book's website that the publisher says there are now 5 million copies in print. Deservedly so, I think. This book was lent to me by a good friend and once I had read (devoured) it, I too passed it on to a friend. It's that sort of book. I very much enjoyed the writer's candour and the whole meditation/discovering self is very much up my alley. This would have to be my book of the year.
Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting - The Power of Positive Feelings by Lyn Grabhorn. Picked this up at the library. Only because it had a fluoro yellow cover and I kinda couldn't miss it. Parts of it were a bit roll-your-eyes, but I have to say that I tried out the positive thinking tactics she writes about and - whoa - they have had AMAZING results for me. I honestly believe we have so much untapped potential within ourselves and this book really gave me an exciting glimpse into what is possible.
The People Of The Book by Geraldine Brooks. Not technically a book of 2008 because I am still reading it, but I did start it in 2008 when I was lucky enough to find it in a Christmas parcel (thank you Lyn! - I love it). I am quite enamoured. For me this book is perfect. It has a Jewish thread running through it - and I am obsessed with anything and everything that pertains to Jewish culture - and it reminds me a little of
my very favourite book ever: Possession by A S Byatt.
Encyclopedia of Jewish Cooking by ???. Another library book, so I'm not sure of the exact name or the author. And Google is no help. All I know is that this book takes all manner of Jewish dishes and traces their origins. There's lots of fascinating historic photos too. Naturally I didn't make a single recipe; the food for thought was rich enough.
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khlaed Hosseini. I read this one while we were overseas and enjoyed it even more than The Kite Runner.
Sex And The City by Candace Bushnell. I've long been a fan of the show but I'd never bothered with the book before this year. Spied it at the library, gave it a shot ... underwhelmed, really.
New Baby and Toddler Cookbook by Annabel Karmel. Excellent book (from library again), great kiddie meals. E wouldn't touch even one of the many I tried. Sigh.
The Beach by Alex Garland. This one landed on my desk at work as one of the new 'retro-styled' Penguin releases - you know, in the classic orange and white design. I liked the movie, so I thought I'd give the book a shot. Enjoyed it. Didn't love it, but worth reading.
Persepolis by Marjane Satrpai. My second foray in the world of the graphic novel, which looks at Iranian extremism through the eyes of a young Iranian girl. This is a pretty sensational read - but not as good as the first I read, which was Maus by Art Spiegelman.
Zoli by Colum McCann. Golden find at the library. A spectacularly good read that fed another of my obsessions: an interest in gypsy culture. It's the story of a Roma girl in the 1930s who becomes a singer and is convinced by an Englishman to write her songs down. They are then used against the gypsies and she is forced into exile.