So, it's happened. We've cruised passed February 9 and that makes me ... FORTY!
I've been doing a bit of navel gazing in the lead-up to The Big Day - doesn't everyone? - and a bit of wrestling with the idea of entering a new decade.
The past few months I've been enjoying a lovely sentimental mental stroll through my 30s again. Surely the 30s MUST be everyone's favourite decade. Almost all of my 30s have been spent in the company of little children and, really, what better privilege is there in life than this? I can't think of one. Hard work at times, for sure, but I have to pinch myself when I think of how much more enriched my life is now than it was when I turned 30. Goodbye the Golden Years of the 30s (sniff) - you were AWESOME.
Funny, I remember my mum being terribly upset at the prospect of turning an ancient 30 years old (I was seven). I wonder if my kids will remember me turning 40?
They may well, because I decided to have a party. With my birthday falling on a Saturday it would have been a bit mad not to.
And I am so glad I did. I had about 50 people over to our local German Club, conveniently round the corner from our place.
There were some friends there I'd not seen for an age. My best friend
happened to be able to come, which is quite something since she now
lives in Helsinki! And loads of family members were there too. Oh, my family! They are the most beautiful bunch of people I could ever hope to belong to. Honestly, they made my birthday so unforgettable.
And will you look at the amazing cake two of my friends made for me?! I was teary when I saw it - such a thing of beauty! Not to mention utterly delicious.
My Gran was there - that's her there in the purple shirt. She's since had open-heart surgery this week! I was so pleased she could make it to my party.
And here's me with my wonderful fellow. The guy who is my perfect other, who understands me in a way I don't think anyone else on this planet ever could or would. Who adores me daily - I'm so incredibly lucky. He's my everything.
Yep, I'm 40. My 'fifth decade' is off to an incredible start. I'm hoping it brings me more confidence and a bit less anxiety, a bit more permission to not to sweat the small stuff. Plus lots more wonderful family memories and maybe even a few creative projects realised.
It's going to be good.