Monday, January 28, 2013


After the fire comes the rain.

I normally find very rainy days a bit grim but today was a bit different. Not deterred by the drizzle, I went for a run this morning. It was damp and squishy, especially in the shoe department, but still pleasant to get out and have the track all to myself.

Later, we dressed the kids in their rain gear and let them splash in puddles. Oh, they had a ball! I'd been feeling a little guilty that school holidays are over this week and we haven't 'done' much. By that, I mean I haven't taken E to any plays or performances or had many play dates (well, he had 2-3) or even been to the swimming pool all that much.

My kids are real homebodies. They are so happy to stay at home, kicking around on the couch with a book or a toy. And yet I am forever struggling with this feeling that I *should* be taking them somewhere or doing something organised with them.

Today I had an 'aha' moment where I realised that I needn't worry. The simple act of running about in the pouring rain had them completely entertained and deliriously happy. No expensive outing required.

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