Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Four weeks

Wow, four weeks have passed since Thea's arrival. Am I sure it's not four years? Not really - that's what it feels like (which makes me very happy - I love it when time passes so slowly!). Brief update: she's still doing the feed/whinge/feed/whinge/feed/whinge thing from about 6pm to 9pm; she appears to be trying to give us a cheeky grin or two (or perhaps she just has more gas right now!); she is the apple of her brother's eye (and the rest of us too).

The only bummer about her reaching four weeks is that Shaun's time off work is up - he will be back at the desk tomorrow. And that means as of tomorrow I will need to attempt leaving the house with both kids on my own - something I have not been game to try as yet.

Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Ah, the witching hour ( or 3 hours in your case )
Anisha did the same whinging feeding thing from 5 - 6pm every day for about 7 weeks, though i didn't feed her, i just let her whinge in her bouncer while i cooked dinner. ( im so mean )
A mid wife called it the witching hour, I just thought anisha was doing it on purpose as thats the time I cook dinner.
Talen didn't do it, he just whinges all the time, and still does at 2yrs and 9 months, i can't wait till he stops " :)

M said...

Oh looky at her gorgeous Thea outfit!

Melody said...

Like me, I look at my newbie and cannot ever imagine life without her!

I quite like her little t-shirt; someone is very clever!

And I want to know, does the witching hour/s ever stop? Monet is 5 and it *still* happens!

(How did the 1st day alone go?)

kurrabikid said...

The little shirt is cute, isn't it? A friend of mine made it for her.

The first day of handling both of them went really well ... possibly since I treated it as a military operation...! Hey, whatever works.

Stomper Girl said...

I love that Thea shirt too. I found leaving house on my own with the firstborn terribly stressful, but the second born was taken to the park with the FB on the day he came out of hospital! It is much more work though getting two children out and about, I'm so relieved that both mine can do own seatbelts, shoes and stuff now, those days with a toddler and a floppy newborn were intense. Good luck!