Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mums - as mags see them

What do you make of these - all pics from recent European fashion mags?

I saw them on a blog last night and my first reaction was to guffaw and roll my eyes. I guess I never have, and never will, take fashion seriously. It's mere frivolity - and in no way important to anyone's life.

But then I thought a bit more: are these images deliberately controversial? (Maybe in an attempt to provoke an outcry like not so long ago when Vogue - I think it was Vogue - showed super-expensive accessories being held by Indian slum children.) If so, yeah ... OK, they tick the 'controversial' box.

When you look at them are you genuinely outraged? What do you make of their inferences about women - and mothers in particular? Personally, my outrage is mostly reserved for the fact that they show a woman smoking. How vile and stupid in this day and age.

Maybe some people will find these pics fresh and artistic. Perhaps it's good to push the envelope...

Anyway, what do you think?


petite gourmand said...

23 year old childless art director maybe?

petite gourmand said...

or on second thought...
30 something new parent art director?

kurrabikid said...

Haha - yeah!! Whoever conceptualised these must be feeling pretty smug anyway...

M said...

The smoking gives me the pip. The martini gives me the pip.

and I'm not sure what they are supposed to say about fashion...

Perhaps they are photos of the nanny.

Thrifted Treasure said...

They're definitely just trying to be controversial and get attention, maybe they're actual footage of the Vogue staff and kids :-p